Once again..no time to look up spelling errors in French as my plane leaves in about 9 hours. I am a bit..shall we say...well

a had some wine and then this lovely French couple bought be some Aperitifs? It is after all Bastille day and the fireworks on the beach were awesome. Actually, I loved riding the bicycle back to the house because I felt a bit French. Well..I felt like an American who has been here a month and has disguised herself as a French person because there are no other Americans on the beach this evening. At least I have mastered the phrase excuse me in French. Excuse my bad accent and the fact that I am about to run you over on the bike!
As I am once again about to head off to bed for the last time on

this wonderful vacation...a few words about Paris en general.

Fantastique! S'Amusant, culture, food,

art, attitude, fashion, ARCHITECTURE, le monde, the crazies, the traffic, the artistic, ARCHITECTURE, history, people in love (...please people...get a room...wher

e do you think you are..a Paris?) For two days I just kept walking and taking the metro and talking to people in cafes...whole conversations in French! I don't know how many pictures I will be able to add tonight as I am more than a bit tired after two overnight trains. (by the way..I did miss my train to Paris and Reims is a lovely town yet a bit rainy...more on this story later.) Until very soon...I will write more on the other side of the ocean. I don' want to go!
People...listen to me...quit your jobs...sell your children...eat crackers and water...tell your boss you have a rare flu that will probably last a month...do whatever it takes but please, please, please...get

the heck out of town for a bit. Love ya'll! A bien tot